Top 3 Boredom Buster Products for your Backyard Chickens

Like any other animal, chickens need enrichment to live a healthy and happy life. For most backyard chicken keepers, that means coming up with creative ways to keep their flock entertained. In a perfect world, your chickens would be able to forage endless acres of land to keep themselves entertained – But you and I …

Healthy Treats for Your Backyard Chickens: A Complete List

Chickens are omnivores and do require a balanced diet of all types of foods. In the wild chickens would forage for greens (grasses or weeds), seeds, fruits, vegetables, and -yes- meat (usually in the form of bugs and small rodents or reptiles). A diverse diet will lead to happier, healthier chickens. Always remember treats should …

Coccidiosis: Identification, Treatment, and Prevention

This year we ambitiously bought a couple incubators and hatched our own chicks. While we were successful at a 70% hatch rate, there were still challenges and many lessons to be learned. Some of those lessons were learned while the chicks were in the brooder and even when they graduated to the outdoor flock. One …

Backyard Chicken First Aid Kit – A Complete Checklist

We take preparedness very serious on our homestead. When injury or illness strikes, we don’t want to be running back and forth to the feed store or trying to desperately order supplies online. Chickens are usually pretty hardy and easy keepers but there will be accidents and illnesses occasionally. I hope this first aid kit …