For The Flock Gardening

Using Chicken Manure as Garden Fertilizer

Many homesteaders keep chickens for one obvious benefit – fresh eggs! But have you thought about other ways you can benefit from your backyard chickens? There is one commonly overlooked benefit to keeping chickens – Manure! One chicken will produce approximately 130 lbs of manure in one year. Chicken manure is rich in nitrogen which …

For The Flock

Backyard Chicken First Aid Kit – A Complete Checklist

We take preparedness very serious on our homestead. When injury or illness strikes, we don’t want to be running back and forth to the feed store or trying to desperately order supplies online. Chickens are usually pretty hardy and easy keepers but there will be accidents and illnesses occasionally. I hope this first aid kit …


Composting Basics – How to Start Building Soil

In my opinion, composting is absolutely necessary to maintain a self sufficient homestead. Not only does composting provide free fertilizer, it also reduces food waste. By reducing your food waste you are significantly reducing methane emissions from landfills. It is also a smart move financially – No more buying chemical fertilizer every year. There are …


Powdery Mildew – Prevention and Treatments for Your Vegetable Garden

Powdery mildew is an extremely common plant disease and can affect any vegetable garden, whether you have a small backyard operation or acres of crops. But don’t fret! It is also one of the most recognizable plant diseases so you can catch it at an early stage. What is Powdery Mildew? Powdery Mildew can be …